The Dan Webber Fund
Dan Webber had a passion for all things outdoors - climbing, skiing, kayaking, biking. Before he sadly passed away in 2022, he chose to leave a legacy in his Will to the Foundation so that more young people could experience the joy and challenge in physical activity as his family Pete, Sue and Mark Webber explain:
“While he was going through cancer treatment, Dan believed that being outdoors and participating in activity, even a simple walk, gave him a positive outlook, and helped him cope with all he was going through. He believed passionately that such activity opens up young people’s lives but for many the opportunities are not there.
“He knew that his family were financially secure, so he wanted to leave a legacy in his Will. His preference was to support young people in a very practical way. He wanted young people to be physically active and gain the benefits of confidence, friendship, teamwork and better health. He knew that giving through Wiltshire Community Foundation offered those opportunities.
“The Foundation worked closely with us and Dan’s solicitors. They listened and understood the impact he wanted his legacy to have and created a fund that mirrors his passions and delivers his wishes. We have chosen a mixed approach to our giving. An endowment fund but with spending the money down over 10 years, to see more achieved in our lifetime. But we may well add more to the fund in time to keep it permanently in the Webber family memory.
“There is a real reassurance in handing the money to the Foundation. They are a responsible vehicle for making grants as they ensure groups are properly assessed and held accountable. We also know that the money will grow and be well spent.
“Dan’s family, friends and work colleagues have supplemented his fund with circa £14,000 raised from sponsored activities including the epic ‘Chase the Sun’ bike ride and a major climbing and biking challenge in Derbyshire. We want to share the joy that comes from giving. No one should underestimate the personal reward that comes through it. Joy comes twice! On creating the fund, knowing it exists in Dan’s name, keeping his spirit of adventure alive. And secondly as grants are made and knowing the effect each one has on young people’s lives – potentially life-changing.
“We have been able to tell people about two grants made from Dan’s fund. The first was for a project to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing through outdoor activities. The second was to a sailing association who run inclusive activities for young people to learn new skills.
“They are both moved and delighted and have said how pleased they thought Dan would have been. A colleague wrote of the work funded ‘it sounds like a brilliant cause, I can’t wait to tell the team here about it.’ We are very proud of the fund, and the projects it has helped to support, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact it has in the future.”
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